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Keeley Phase 24

The Keeley Phase 24 is a gorgeously simple phaser delivering 2 and 4 stage phasing for those very classic sounds. The Keeley Phase 24 offers shimmering and subtle watery tones for those wanting high fidelity and quality in a Keeley Engineered...
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Kitaraefekti Keeley Phase 24

Keeley Phase 24

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Tuotekoodi: KE-PHASE-24 | ID: 226496

Keeley Phase 24

The Keeley Phase 24 is a gorgeously simple phaser delivering 2 and 4 stage phasing for those very classic sounds. The Keeley Phase 24 offers shimmering and subtle watery tones for those wanting high fidelity and quality in a Keeley Engineered product. Part of the magic in this style phaser is a result of carefully matching FETs so that you capture excellent rounding of the phase sounds and each stage works together in harmony to bring you a full lush tone.

Tarkempaa kuvausta omalla kielelläsi ei ole vielä saatavilla. Englanninkielinen kuvaus saattaa auttaa.

A unique 2/4 stage selector gives you control over making this a classic 4 stage phaser or the less common 2 stage phaser for very subtle shimmer that you can use any time. A Depth control gives you further control. Think of it as a blend control allowing you to go from dry, no phasing to full depth, lush phasing. How many times have you clicked on a phaser only to realize it sounds like a massive “effect” has been placed on your tone when you  

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Guy C.

gb Lippu

United Kingdom


Excellent price & service, thanks! Recommend

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